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Better Dorms and Gardens

New dorms at UCSD's Revelle College

By Kimberly Cunningham | Photo by Tim Griffith

The Charles David Keeling apartments, a new dorm at UCSD’s Revelle College, recently earned top honors at the American Society of Landscape Architects 2012 design awards. The three-and-a-half-acre outdoor roof space, designed by Spurlock Poirier, was celebrated for integrating beauty and sustainability. Its storm-water collection system creates a series of streams after each rainfall, filtering pollutants that used to drain into the ocean and watering more than 4,000 plants that also provide thermal insulation. Bonus: The building, home to about 510 students, is the first LEED Platinum student housing in the UC system.

Better Dorms and Gardens

Dorm at UCSD’s Revelle College

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