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100 Trillion Reasons to Trust Your Gut

Learn all about the microbiome, plus get your hands dirty by planting a superfood garden
The antioxidants in citrus fruits could stave off obesity-related diseases.

Have you ever wondered why it’s called a gut instinct or gut feeling? At some level people have always suspected there’s a relationship between the brain and the stomach. When we say gut, we’re really referring to the roughly 100 trillion microbes that live there. That microbial ecosystem is called the microbiome and when it’s out of whack it may lead to a slew of health conditions. Read what affects the microbiome’s healthy balance here, plus learn the 10 disease-fighting superfoods you should be adding to your garden.

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San Diego Magazine has partnered with Scripps Health to bring you the stories behind some of the most innovative health care in America, happening right here in San Diego. Stay tuned for more inspiration from San Diego Health

100 Trillion Reasons to Trust Your Gut

The antioxidants in citrus fruits could stave off obesity-related diseases.

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